About Us
About Us
Our team had more than 30 years’ experience in commodities and financial markets when they founded Elementum Deutschland GmbH in 2007.
Since that time, more independent companies from the Elementum universe have come into being in other European countries, including Switzerland, Portugal, Slovenia and Croatia.
Our mission is to provide you with useful information and investment advice tailored to your risk profile and personal goals, as well as offering you the best and safest opportunities available on the market at any time. We offer you protection from the financial system.
We always protect your wealth with a view to your assets’ security and the creation of secure and profitable savings.
Aware of the current status of financial markets, we seek to offer you an investment alternative that helps you save while striving for security in your investments with an eye on the future.
Unlike fiat currency, precious metals represent a safe haven, a store of value and protection for individual savings, providing a secure and profitable alternative to traditional forms of investment.
The know-how and experience acquired over the many years since our company was founded enable us to position ourselves as a brand worthy of trust and respect. We currently manage a portfolio of more than 150,000 active customers in various EU countries.
Our aim is to provide a high-quality service adhering to the highest standards of rigour, professionalism, transparency, clarity and security. In Portugal, we intend to build a portfolio of satisfied customers who are happy that they selected the investment solutions best suited to their security and profitability goals.
We have the best European analysts in the field of physical precious metals and strategic metals, ensuring you’re always kept informed of the best investments.

Invest with ELEMENTUM Portugal
How to invest with us
If you wish to invest in this market, you can schedule a meeting with one of our consultants (online or in person). This advisory meeting will allow us to understand your goals with regard to this investment and explain the entire process in detail.
If you decide to move forward with this partnership, our consultant will provide the necessary assistance.